「 本・設・創・藝 」- Contact Design: Mazing Lee & Connie Lee

品牌: Searching C

HK$ 50

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Contact Design 的創辦人 Mazing和Connie 兩姊妹從外國回流,認為香港需要一個「共創空間」,故此她們成立了 The Contact Store。同時亦設計了智能茶機、果汁機等產品, 為繁忙的都市人提供健康生活方式。她們認為只要有計劃給自己,在生命任何階段都應該嘗試創業,不要被年齡限制。

大家若欣賞Mazing & Connie 的創作理念,並希望支持她們的話,不妨按一下「加入購物車」贊助$50,贊助人會得到小小心意以示感謝。我們會將所收取的贊助資金(扣除網上付款手續費5%後)全數給予Mazing 及 Connie,感謝大家對他們、對本地創作的支持。

「 本・設・創・藝 」系列 代表著「本地」、「設計」、「創意」及「藝術」,我們希望發堀更多香港台灣本土的創作人,分享他們的創作靈感及心得,並透過我們的平台讓大家支持他們的創作,好讓文創風氣得以傳播,為平凡乏味的城市生活增添一點色彩。


關於Contact Store



“Taste. Live. Travel.”

“Taste” – illy / Mitaca Espresso Machines, Tea Brewers, Workshops and more.

“Live” – Designer furniture and lifestyle products curated by The Contact Store

“Travel” – Designer bikes from Denmark, City folding bikes from Italy, personalized travelling items and more.



Creating total lifestyle design experiences for users through innovative products.

Under the theme of “Taste. Live. Travel”, we created The Contact Store, an O2O online-to-offline lifestyle experience store in Milan, Italy and Hong Kong Science Park in 2014. It is an innovative experience centre showcasing the world’s upcoming designer lifestyle brands and products as well Contact. co-design works which received numerous international design awards.

Our vision is to “Connect. Co-design. Create” through providing a “Co-creation platform” showcasing projects in collaboration with Science Park companies and institutional partners. Our mission is to “Connect” and integrate technology with design in order to “Create” value and impact to the society. The platform also serves as an interactive space for professionals, entrepreneurs and corporates to “Connect” to one another.


剛於2019 CES展出的最新設計品 – Lify

Lify –  A Wellness-tech Ecosystem

Designed and origniated in Hong Kong, Lify is the world’s first smart machine that delivers best quality wellness tea from single-serve natural herbal discs in 40 seconds. Lify App provides recommended recipes for users based on individual needs and conditions inspired from pioneering Oriental herbal intelligence.


Lify Wellness Kit 將在Searching C推出, 密切期待!

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香港和澳門 免費
台灣 免費
馬來西亞 HK$ 60
新加坡 HK$ 60
其他地區 HK$ 400


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