醉茶 – ZhenPin Palace Puerh Set 臻品宮廷普洱禮盒 (品牌直送)

品牌: 醉茶 Tastea

HK$ 480

- +
出貨時間 1~3 天
貨號: D005 分類: , , , 標籤: , , ,

Product Information 食品資訊

This gift box contains 6 cans of  palace puerh

此禮盒包含 6 罐宮廷普洱

Palace Puerh 宮廷普洱 (20 g 克 X 6 can 罐)

Variety 茶種: Puerh 普洱

Benifits 功效: Hangover recovery, keep stomach in good condition 清胃生津、解酒解毒

Features 特色: Smooth, rich and long lasting flavor 口感醇厚滑爽,陳香蜜香馥郁


郵箱:[email protected]
電話:(852) 2568 2778



Product Information 食品資訊

This gift box contains 6 cans of  palace puerh

此禮盒包含 6 罐宮廷普洱

Palace Puerh 宮廷普洱 (20 g 克 X 6 can 罐)

Variety 茶種: Puerh 普洱

Benifits 功效: Hangover recovery, keep stomach in good condition 清胃生津、解酒解毒

Features 特色: Smooth, rich and long lasting flavor 口感醇厚滑爽,陳香蜜香馥郁


Direction of Use 飲用方法

1. Control the water temperature at (95℃-100℃).


2. Put tea leaves into the teapot.


3. Brew with 150-200cc of hot water.


4. Soak the tea leaves in water for around 5 seconds (the soaking time can be adjusted according to personal preference); suggested to brew 7 times.


Images for illustration purposes only, actual product may vary.




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