
Simple Real

關於 Simple Real

在科技產業待了近十五年, 去過的國家超過50個,住過的城市超過100個, 記憶最深刻的地方是機場、旅館及會議室,但總覺得人生不應該只是這樣?

我喜歡工作,工作是生活的一部分, 快樂是在工作與生活之間取得平衡,當繁忙的工作變成常規,每天從起床清醒的那一刻起,就被工作推著走的同時,赫然發現對生活的感知能力逐漸喪失,回想過去,生命中最真實的快樂與感動,往往來自簡單的事物與生活體驗。

決定離開日益感到倦怠的工作,重新拾回感受力,做喜歡的事,將生活融入工作,因此創辦了品牌 Simple Real !

生活只要簡單 ,感動需要真實

Simple Life, Real Sensation

創辦人 Rebecca Tsai


Simple Life . Real Sensation

I had worked in the tech industry for nearly 15 years, been to over 50 countries, and stayed in more than 100 cities, but all that I can remember was layovers at airports, nights at hotels, and meetings in conference rooms. And it made me wonder, “Is that all life has to offer?”

I love working. I believe it is an important part of life.Happiness, to me, is finding a balance between work and life. But when did work become a burden? When did I start feeling like work is weighing me down from the moment I open my eyes every morning?

I realized I was gradually losing touch with my sensibility. I missed out on the simple little things in life that brought me joy. That’s when I decided to leave behind my monotonous job and get in touch with my feelings by doing what I enjoy ,making it my priority, my job, and most importantly, my life.

As such, the Simple Real brand is born….


Life made simple; Sensations made real.

That’s how it should be—Simple Life, Real Sensation.

Rebecca Tsai, founder
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