Stories coffee
Every cup of coffee has a different story,
Alike every individual and their background story
Specialty coffee brings a new meaning to today’s generation. It symbolises leisure and class, and a way to experience one of the elements to quality of life. Enthusiasts often share their lifestyles through coffee. And through these interactions, it creates new stories between people.
因此STORIES COFFEE就在2016年,以掛耳包精品咖啡的形式出現,讓城市人能在忙碌的生活中,可以輕巧簡便的方式,享受優質咖啡帶來的一刻休閑。
In 2016 Stories Coffee started with drip bag coffee, allowing the busy lives of people living in a fast-paced city to easily enjoy a quality cup of coffee and the pleasure it brings.
隨著品牌發展,STORIES COFFEE已由當初的網上發售,逐步進駐不同實體店內出售,亦成為一些咖啡店的供應商;產品亦由掛耳包,伸延至咖啡豆及樽裝冷泡咖啡,更與其他品牌聯乘合作推出麻辣咖啡及咖啡威士忌,為愛好者提供來自不同國家、產地,並於台灣進行烘焙的精品咖啡,產品更大多取得COE等級。
Stories Coffee started only as an online shop and the brand has now developed into selling at different retail stores and also supplying its products at coffee shops. Products include drip bags, coffee beans and cold brew, cooperate with other brands and jointly products include spicy cold and coffee whisky. We provide coffee beans from different countries and a wide variety of coffee farms. The coffee beans are then roasted in Taiwan, creating specialty coffee, many awarded with COE.
Abby Kwong
STORIES COFFEE創辦人之一,曾於大大小小的咖啡店工作,對手沖咖啡情有獨鍾,加上曾旅居台灣,深受當地咖啡文化吸引,而於台灣修讀相關咖啡師課程,考取國際認可咖啡證書,並於年前與志同道合創辦STORIES COFFEE,為咖啡愛好者帶來不同風味的精品咖啡。
Abby Kwong one of the founders of Stories Coffee, has worked at many different coffee shops and has a deep devotion to pour over coffee. She has also spent a significant amount of time in Taiwan studying its coffee culture. And achieving numerous international recognised certificates in coffee. Abby and its founders are hoping Stories Coffee’s specialty coffee can share the different stories to other coffee enthusiasts.
-Alliance for Coffee Excellence (COE) Cup of Excellence
-Specialty Coffee Association of American Coffee Quality Institute (SCAA CQI) – Q Grader
-City & Guilds of London Institute