
Fuumas Creative



在發展初期,Fuumas一方面瞄準環境教育與保育主題,開發設計一系列台灣特有種保育生物木質可動拼圖;另一方面以台灣風景特色為主題,開發特色紀念商品,期盼能喚起消費者對台灣特有種生物的認知與喜愛,並將台灣特色經由推廣銷售,走向國際。Fuumas 同時也嘗試與企業合作,以ODM方式推出客製化商品,如木質可動獎盃、木質拼圖掛鐘、結合展覽與課程的DIY套件,在滿足客戶需求與天馬行空的挑戰中,從測試與修正過程累積無數經驗,設計創造出讓客戶驚豔,讓消費者驚奇的有趣產品。

近幾年來,教育界一致推崇STEM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Math) 教育方針,透過寓教於樂的益智產品,從小培育兒童與青少年對科學、科技、工程、數學的學習興趣,符合未來人才發展需求。Fuumas不僅設計開發STEM產品,並認為必須將美學 (Aesthetics)概念加入產品中,不僅外型擬真可愛,動作擬態也必須傳神有趣。具備 STEAM概念的 Fuumas Puzzle 能啟發各年齡層消費者的想像力與創造力,在DIY中能獲致教育意義與成就感,享受親手組裝的有趣旅程。

商品設計 Product Design Service
客製化服務 Customized Service
聯名合作 Joint Cooperation

About Fuumas Puzzle

Fuumas, found in 2018, is a young Taiwan company that focus on wooden Mechanical puzzles and handicrafts. We are dedicated to providing innovative, imaginative and educational products to our customers.

In early stage, Fuumas focuses on conservation animal projects for Taiwan educational DIY projects, and Taiwan scenic souvenir products. Fuumas also focuses on ODM projects including Wooden Mechanical Trophy puzzle, customized wooden clock and the souvenir wooden puzzle for 2018 Taichung world flora exposition in Taiwan.

Fuumas goal is not only to build STEM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Math) product, but also add “Aesthetics” elements into our design and mechanical movement. We truly hope these “STEAM” products could inspire worldwide customers imaginations and creativities, and enjoy the interest and benefit of puzzle assembling journey.

Fuumas, for fun makers.

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