▌ 商品創作 Product design
更大容量450ml 的隨行杯~~
Korean style aesthetic tumbler cups are here!!
After suggestions from our dear square studio friends
we finally asked our Korean manufacturer
to make a tumbler with a larger volume of 450ml~~
Introducing a new design of sky blue tumbler body printed with lots of white xibao on it~
just like the stress-free floating clouds in the sky! ☁️
have it on your table and it’ll be simply soothing look at~~❤️
can also increase your desire to drink more water XD
bring it out to get a cup of coffee, and you’ll instantly attract people that’s lining up behind you!!
fashionable and environmentally friendly🌍!!!
▌ 一些小細節 Some little details
○ 上蓋分為兩種模式,對口模式和吸管模式。
○ Two types of openings on the cap, one is normal sipping, the other for a straw
○ 上蓋可拆卸清洗,不怕裡面藏汙納垢~~
○ Top of the cap can be removed so it can be easily cleaned~~
○ 方便好攜帶的450ml (16oz),大約是一般超商咖啡大杯的容量!
○ Easy to carry around at 450ml (16oz), like a normal grande size you get at cafes!
○ 食品安全專用的PP塑膠,高溫可耐熱至110°C
○ Uses specialized food safety PP plastic, high-temperature resistance and can withstand drinks up to 110°C
○ 雙層厚杯壁構造,可以短暫地保冷保溫~~
○ Double-wall cup structure, can briefly preserve cold/hot drinks at their optimum temperatures
▌ 商品規格 Product Specification
- 材質: PP塑膠(BPA FREE)
- 耐熱: -40°C ~ 110°C
- 容量: 453 ml / 16 oz
- 規格: 直徑 9 cm x 高 17 cm
- 產地 : 台灣設計/韓國製造
- Material: PP plastic (BPA FREE)
- Heat preservation: -40°C ~ 110°C
- Volume: 453 ml / 16 oz
- Size: width 9 cm x height 17 cm
- Origin: Designed in Taiwan, made in Korea
▌ 注意事項 Warning
- 杯蓋設計非密封,請避免倒放或傾斜造成液體外漏。
- 請勿使用微波爐及烘碗機。
- 清洗盡量以軟性海綿及溫和洗潔精,再以乾布擦拭或自然晾乾。
- 因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準。
- Cap design cannot be securely sealed, please keep upright at all times to prevent liquid spillage.
- Not microwave or dishwasher safe.
- Please use soft sponge and detergent to clean, and then use dry cloth to wipe, or simply air dry