方坊 Square Studio 口罩香氛釦 12mm (品牌直送)

HK$ 4HK$ 275

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電話:(852) 2568 2778



▌ 商品介紹 Introduction

這樣一整天都能聞到自己喜歡的氣息 : )

Wearing a mask all day is often a little tiring ~~
But if you can smell the fragrance, you would feel more delightful all day long.

Now the product is here to save us~
Put the mask diffuser on the mask, and drip your favorite essential oil or perfume~
You will have a good mood all day long 🙂


現在還有#怒君、#小哀、#樂樂,可以隨每天心情變換香氛釦 XD
喜寶 口罩香氛釦 Mask Diffuser 12mm

▌ 一些小細節 Detail part

○ 防滑紋設計,讓上下蓋更好轉開和旋緊!
○ The non-slip design makes the upper and lower covers better turn and tighten!
喜寶 口罩香氛釦 Mask Diffuser 12mm

○ 12mm的迷你尺寸~比1元硬幣還要小,長時間掛在口罩上也不會有負擔!
○ The 12mm mini size is smaller than NT 1 dollar coin, so it won’t be a worry to hang on the mask for a long time!
喜寶 口罩香氛釦 Mask Diffuser 12mm

○ 會附上8片白色棉芯做更換,也可以再另外加購(8片一包)喔!
白色棉芯用完需要更換了嗎? 不同香水或是精油需要使用不同棉片喔
此白色棉芯可重複使用,但建議定期更換喔 更換頻率則依每個人情境而有所不同喔~
○ 8 pieces of white cotton cores will be attached for replacement, and you can also purchase more (8 pieces in a pack)!
Does the white cotton core need to be replaced? Different perfumes or essential oils need different cotton pads
This white cotton core can be reused, but it is recommended to replace it regularly. The frequency of replacement varies according to each person’s situation~
喜寶 口罩香氛釦 Mask Diffuser 12mm

○ 目前有玫瑰金、金色、銀色3款讓大家選擇!
○ There are currently 3 types, rose gold, gold, and silver
喜寶 口罩香氛釦 Mask Diffuser 12mm

○ 強力磁鐵讓香氛釦緊緊吸在口罩上!
○ The powerful magnet makes the mask-diffuser tightly on the mask!
喜寶 口罩香氛釦 Mask Diffuser 12mm

○ 也可以掛在衣領或衣服上作為胸針,閃亮亮很吸睛~
○ It can also be hung on the collar or clothes as a brooch, it is shiny and eye-catching~
○ 還可以多加購特製的【冬霧藍-麂皮收納袋】,讓口罩釦有個溫暖的小家:) 送禮也更有面子!! (大小: 6.5 cm x 6.5 cm )
喜寶 口罩香氛釦 Mask Diffuser 12mm

▌ 商品規格 Product specification

☁️ 內含:口罩釦 1 個 + 棉芯 8 片 + 強力磁鐵 1 個
☁️ 材質:不鏽鋼
☁️ 適用:口罩、衣領、袖口
☁️ 尺寸:直徑 12mm,厚度 5mm
☁️ 重量:約 4g

☁️ Contains: 1 mask button + 8 cotton cores + 1 powerful magnet
☁️ Material: stainless steel
☁️ Where to use: masks, collars, cuffs
☁️ Size: diameter 12mm, thickness 5mm
☁️ Weight: about 4g

▌ 使用方式 How to use

1 |  將上蓋轉開放入白色棉芯
2 |  在棉芯上將喜歡的香水或是精油滴上 2-3 滴,旋緊下上蓋
3 |  將磁鐵放在口罩內側,香氛釦找到合適的地方吸住
4 |  香氛釦安裝完成 !!

1 | Turn the upper cover open into the white cotton core
2 | Put 2-3 drops of your favorite perfume or essential oil on the cotton wick, tighten the lower lid
3 | Put the magnet inside of the mask, and find a suitable place to hold the mask diffuser
4 | The installation of the mask diffuser is complete!!

▌ 注意事項 Please note

☁️ 商品不含精油香氛,需另外添購
☁️ 建議配戴約 2-3 小時之後可以稍微取下休息,避免嗅覺疲勞
☁️ 香氛釦僅 12mm 大,口罩丟棄時記得不要一起進到垃圾桶喔 > <
☁️ 若跟口罩有接觸,取下後記得用酒精消毒喔 !

☁️ The product does not contain essential oil fragrances and needs to be purchased separately
☁️ It is recommended to wear it for about 2-3 hours and then you can take it off and rest to avoid olfactory fatigue
☁️ The mask diffuser is only 12mm in size, so remember not to put the mask in the trash can when you throw it away> <
☁️ If there is contact with the mask, remember to disinfect it with alcohol after removing it!



【喜寶】玫瑰金 (現貨), 【喜寶】金色 (現貨), 【喜寶】銀色 (現貨), 【怒君】玫瑰金 (現貨), 【怒君】金色 (現貨), 【怒君】銀色 (現貨), 【小哀】玫瑰金 (現貨), 【小哀】金色 (現貨), 【小哀】銀色 (現貨), 【樂樂】玫瑰金 (現貨), 【樂樂】金色 (現貨), 【樂樂】銀色 (現貨), 【套裝】玫瑰金 喜怒哀樂 (現貨), 【套裝】銀色 喜怒哀樂 (現貨), 【套裝】金色 喜怒哀樂 (現貨), 【加購】棉芯一組 (8片), 【加購】強力磁鐵 (1個), 【加購】冬霧藍-麂皮收納袋 (附贈棉芯一組)

香港和澳門 HK$ 40
台灣 HK$ 20
馬來西亞 HK$ 40
新加坡 HK$ 40
其他地區 HK$ 40


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