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The One Piano-Hi-Lite 智能鋼琴助教

HK$ 2,689 HK$ 2,899

貨號: A-SC-144230 分類: ,


小編曾經學習鋼琴,但不夠半年便放棄了。其實一件樂器有趣與否,學習方式極為重要! 最近推出的Piano Hi-Lite智能鋼琴助教正正就是小編兒時最需要的,把鋼琴遊戲化! 只要將這裝置放在鋼琴上就可以立即起動,跟著亮起的LED燈彈奏出歌曲,免卻了傳統需要了解樂譜才慢慢開始的苦悶,絕對是一個有趣百倍的學習模式。要是這產品早點面世,可能小編都不會放棄鋼琴呢!


  • 輕放在鋼琴上使用,無需安裝
  • 適用於任何88鍵標準鋼琴
  • 跟著LED立即彈奏出歌曲
  • 新手學習,瞬速上手
  • 中級或高級鋼琴學生皆適用
  • 配合專用App, 3000+免費樂譜
  • 多種學習模式
  • 全球20萬使用者實證
  • iOS / Android 通用
  • 藍牙及傳統線連接都可


郵箱:[email protected]
電話:(852) 2568 2778


這次預購活動是 The ONE Music Group 品牌商授權 | 獨家預購 

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↑實例一: 學了3天的小孩子

↑實例二: 學了2個月的伯伯

YouTube subscription

十分鐘內彈會第一首曲, 在這年代鋼琴是這樣學的.

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Piano Hi-Lite 特式

The One Music Group Piano Hi-Lite 智能鋼琴助教 香港 hong Kong searching c 5

配合智能產品學習, 獲得即時反饋.

The One Music Group Piano Hi-Lite 智能鋼琴助教 香港 hong Kong searching c 6

只需跟隨Piano Hi-Lite上的LED燈指示, 立即展開彈奏.

The One Music Group Piano Hi-Lite 智能鋼琴助教 香港 hong Kong searching c 7

以有趣, 互動的方式加快你的學習進度.

The One Music Group Piano Hi-Lite 智能鋼琴助教 香港 hong Kong searching c 8

配合專用APP選擇適合的學習方式. 包括視頻教學, LED導航教學, 有趣遊戲等.

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The One Music Group Piano Hi-Lite 智能鋼琴助教 香港 hong Kong searching c 10

無需安裝, 把Hi-Lite輕放在鋼琴或電子琴上即可開始使用.

The One Music Group Piano Hi-Lite 智能鋼琴助教 香港 hong Kong searching c 11

可配合iOS及Android, 智能電話及平板電腦, 藍牙或標準電線連接.

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專屬的Smart Piano App提供多種模式及3000+免費曲譜供你學習.

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Q&A 常見問題

1. How to install the Piano Hi-Lite?

The ONE Piano Hi-Lite is installation free device. What you will need to do is just simply place the Piano Hi-Lite on your keyboard (make sure to place towards the inner-edge of the keyboards and fit into the keys), and then connect to power.

2. What is “Standard 88-key” piano/keyboard?

Modern piano keyboards ordinarily have an octave span of 164–165 mm; resulting in the width of black keys averaging 13.7 mm and white keys about 23.5 mm wide at the base. The Piano Hi-Lite is designed to match that standard and fits keyboard.

3. Will I become too dependent on the LED lights?

Our system supports learners by helping individuals play through songs first to build interest, then to add on additional skills such as reading music, hand positions, and musical expression. Muscle memory is also a big part of playing piano, so we try to help individuals find their own musical expression rather than focusing on mapping notes to keys right at the start. With our system, you’ll find faster progress in your initial learning even without the sight-reading skills. When you’re ready to play independently, you can turn off the LED lights.

4. Can this replace a piano teacher?

There will always be value in customized education from a teacher. We do not intend to replace individualized advice by expert piano teaches. Instead, we aim to support aspiring musicians without initial sight-reading knowledge in faster learning and playing. We focus on developing basic skills and articulation through video lessons as well, which provide the same set of basic instruction as a teacher would.

5. Do I have to buy the app to use the piano?

The APP is FREE to download and compatible with your iOS or Android devices. Just search for “Smart Piano – By The ONE” or “One Pianist” in the app store.

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