美國 PAW5 益智狗糧碗

品牌: PAW5 PAW5

HK$ 329

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美國 PAW5 Rock ‘N Bowl 是一個設計獨特的益智狗糧碗,利用這款狗糧碗, 狗狗在開開心心飽餐的同時,也可以訓練牠的思維和解決問題的能力,還能防止狗狗狼吞虎嚥的快食習慣,打破了他們的自然行為和本能。

用法很簡單,只需把狗糧直接倒入這個3件式組合碗中,狗糧便會從碗中狗爪形組件上的洞口進入搖搖碗的中層, 而碗中另一塊小隔板讓狗糧保留在碗的中層部位,不會跌入圓圓的 碗底,令狗糧無法跌出碗外。而狗狗則必須學習有技巧地搖晃這個碗, 不管是用嘴嘴或是手手,目的是讓狗 糧從碗邊的3個小洞持續不斷地灑 出來,然後興高彩烈地吃個飽喔。

PAW5 Rock ‘N Bowl是在美國製造,符合FDA標準,是用可回收塑料製造,物料不含BPA和鄰苯二甲 酸鹽,而且可放入洗碗碟機清洗, 最多可容納4杯的食物。


* 符合FDA:無BPA和無鄰苯二甲酸酯的塑料

* 易於清潔:設計分為3個洗碗機安全部件

* 完美的大小:最多可以容納4杯食物,任何飯菜和任何品種

* 美國設計和製造

顏色:藍色 / 橙色     |    產地:美國

美國 PAW5 益智狗糧碗 預購期間是免運費喔,將會以標題日期按訂單次序寄出




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PAW5 Rock 'N Bowl Rocco

PAW5 ROCCO collage

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The PAW5 Rock ‘N Bowl is a great way to turn meal time into an enriching and rewarding challenge for your dog!  What looks like a standard bowl is actually a unique puzzle feeder that will have your dog thinking, problem solving and having fun all at once. By adding environmental enrichment to mealtime, you turn a routine part of the day into a fun brainteaser.  With our Simply Challenging design, just pour food directly into the top (as easy as a normal bowl), the food runs through a hidden compartment, and your dog has to paw, nudge, and play her way through mealtime (that’s the challenging part!).


  • Simply Challenging: Easy-to-fill and fun-to-use design
  • FDA-Compliant: BPA and phthalate-free plastic
  • Easy to Clean: Design breaks down to 3 dishwasher-safe parts
  • Easy on the Eyes: Vibrant and modern colors complement any home
  • Perfectly sized: Holds up to 4 cups of food, for any meal and any breed
  • Made in the USA
  • Durable construction


Dogs are wired to forage and hunt for food – it’s in their DNA!  A standard bowl just can’t satisfy the curiosity and intelligence that every dog possesses.  The Rock ‘N Bowl adds environmental enrichment to their daily routine, building off their natural behaviors and instincts, and turning a 30-second, mindless chow down into an engaging, thought-provoking, playtime puzzle.


Every PAW5 Rock ‘N Bowl is made in the USA, with FDA-compliant, recyclable plastic that is free of BPA and phthalates. We are committed to sustainability and use a manufacturing process that results in almost zero waste.


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