Doughnut Ocean Power 永續海洋概念背包 用戶體驗

Doughnut Ocean Power 永續海洋概念背包 用戶 【拾壹11】


🌊Doughnut最新嘅Ocean Power環保背包,當中 60% 物料改用由海洋垃圾,好似漁網、漁絲、舊布、浮波等。環保之餘設計都好有心思,可以側揹、當腰包或者胸前袋,輕裝出行就啱晒,上山下海都冇問題!


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Doughnut Ocean Power 永續海洋概念背包 用戶 【Kaymen】

We all know around the world 🌍 our ocean and beach’s get polluted by our garbage and waste and it’s up to us to fix this problem @doughnutofficial has taken it a step further by turning our trash into sustainable backpacks 🎒

DN Black Ocean Power Series – Sustainable Ocean

To raise the awareness of pollution in the marine environment, Doughnut launches the DN Black Ocean Power Series and invite you to join our ocean conservation journey. Pollution of the world’s oceans is a growing and pervasive problem, and that is especially true of the increasing volume of marine litter. The new DN Black series comes in a stylish colorway of pacific blue and blue camouflage. 60% of materials are recycled fabrics, NylonPlus and recycled lining. The whole series offers high protection from water and unknown RFID scanning devices. Let you transition from work to travel without stuffing it to the gills

420D Cordura Nylon / 420D Recycled Nylon / recycled lining

Body: 50% Cordura Nylon 50% Recycled Nylon
Lining: 100% Recycled Polyester


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Kaymen Anthony Sese Wellham(@kaymensese91)分享的貼文

Doughnut Ocean Power 永續海洋概念背包

Doughnut Ocean Power 永續海洋概念背包 (10月19日寄出)

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