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GOOVIS Cinego 便攜式私人IMAX影院 – 第二代 (10月24日寄出)

品牌: Cinego Goovis

HK$ 6,980 HK$ 7,599

貨號: A-SC-124357 分類: ,

【 屋企變 私人IMAX 影院!? 】

有無諗過自己既屋企都可以變私人IMAX 影院?小編都想屋企個電視可以變成800寸的大熒幕,可以用来睇電影同打遊戲機,諗起都正吖!! 朋友仔介紹左一款 便攜式私人IMAX影院 GOOVIS Cinego 俾小編,內置 Andriod 系統和 SONY 顯示器,小編試過用來睇 Iron Man 和 阿凡達 , 視覺效果真係好好喔~


*4k IMAX震憾視覺享受
*3127 ppi完美清晰度,同時支援3D影片
*USB, HTMI, SD卡, wifi, 藍牙等多種連接




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電話:(852) 2568 2778


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Goovis Cinego 4K 頭戴可以用來觀看電影或者玩遊戲,4K的顯示屏能為用戶提供高清的畫質,用戶可以將任何格式的視頻都傳輸到Cinego進行播放,Cinego支持WiFi連接和HDMI端口連接,幾乎能滿足所有用戶的使用需求。

-YouTube,Netflix 等各種串流
-Playstation Wii XBox 等家電遊戲 

Meet the Most Advanced & Immersive 4K Cinema Headset

The Goovis Cinego is the 4K headset which can replace any home theatre, TV, or smartphone for video viewing with an easy to setup, easy to use, and easily portable integrated headset.

The Cinego puts you in your own personal theatre and displays a clear, precise, and sharp picture in 4K. You can stream YouTube, Netflix, and any movies you’ve saved to its internal memory or connect any gaming system and immerse yourself in everything from your PS4 to your Nintendo Switch.


戴上Goovis Cingego 及聽筒,無論身在何處也能舜間變成屬你一人的私人領域。

Revel in total privacy provided by your own personal theatre. Just plug your headphones in, turn on Goovis Cinego and transform any room or seat in your home into an immersive and private theatre filled with your favourite content.


Goovis-Cinego-SearchingC-5 (SONY)



Goovis Cinego 採用SONY設計的雙M-OLED 1920 x 1080 顯示, 每英寸的所擁有像素(ppi)高達3174,比起其他較大M-OLED裝置(如iphone X)高上7倍,帶給你至高的畫質體驗。

Immersive 4k

Goovis Cinego uses twin M-OLED 1920 x 1080 displays measuring 0.7 inches with a PPI of 3147. This means the Cinego has 7x the pixel density of larger M-OLED devices such as the iPhone X to provide you a clearer, smoother and more detailed picture quality. 

The twin M-OLED displays were designed by SONY for the Cinego to provide you with the highest clarity and best visual experience we could.






搭載Android系統,連上wifi或藍牙即可按個人喜好串流Netflix,YouTube, Hulu及Amazon等各種應用程式。

HTMI連接你的各種遊戲主機,以IMAX級螢幕享受你的PS4, SWITCH, XBOX ONE等。


Connects to Every Device

32 GBs of Internal Storage and More

Goovis Cinego comes with 32 GB of internal storage, allowing you to upload and download all of your favorite movies, pictures, games, and apps. And if you’re low on storage space, the Cinego comes with an SD slot for added memory, supporting up to 256 GB of additional space.


With the USB port, you can connect everything from flash drives or your PC to video game controllers and speakers for added functionality and sound.

WiFi or Bluetooth with smart Android system

Connect to WiFi or Bluetooth to stream Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Youtube or any other Android apps you can think of with perfect clarity and in the highest resolution.


Connect all of your gaming systems through HDMI, from XBox One and PS4, to your Nintendo Switch and enjoy a totally engaging gameplay experience in your personal theatre.

You can even connect any of your drones, whether airborne, wheeled, or submersible with HDMI to the Cinego to see the world see exactly what they’re seeing.




4.5Hours Battery Life

Sit back and enjoy your favorite content without worrying about being plugged in, running out of cord length, or tripping over any wires. Equipped with a Polymer Lithium battery, Cinego gives you 4.5 hours of continuous play.

And the powerful battery sits in the remote you hold in your hand and not the headset, reducing the weight on your head.



Goovis Cinego 4K VR頭戴擁有可調節的視野範圍,近視的用戶只需要在使用前設置Cinego的精度,讓Cinego能夠適應自己的視力,就可以不戴眼鏡也能享受VR帶來的虛擬世界的美好。

Enjoy a glasses-free experience

With Cinego’s adjustable vision range you can perfectly set your display for your eyesight to an accuracy of +/-0.33D.  So you won’t have to wear your glasses to enjoy your beloved content or have to deal with double vision, bad contrast, dizziness or eye strain again.



Goovis Cinego 4K VR 頭戴的重量只有200克,是市面上最輕的VR頭戴,只有其他VR頭戴重量的三分之一,即使用戶長時間的佩戴也不會對脖子或者頭部造成任何負擔,柔軟的帶子也能為用戶帶來舒適的使用體驗。

Ultra Light – Only 200 gram

Weighing just 200g (1/3 as much as other headsets OR as much as a pair of professional Ski Goggles) the Cinego is the lightest headset to hit the market. Its low weight ensures there is no strain on your neck or head. This is made even more comfortable by the soft band and felt eye and forehead cushions.



Perfect for Home, Travel, and Anywhere else



配合了AMOLED屏幕顯示技術及獨特的密室空間設計,Goovis Cinego 有效減低短波藍光及減小對眼部的肌肉拉緊,營造出真實的世界級影院效果。

Designed to prevent eye strain

Stay engaged for hours in everything you love without straining your eyes. Cinego uses an AMOLED display to lower your exposure to shortwave blue light. Its unique and enclosed design also limits screen glare unlike laptops, smartphones or TVs. Cinego further reduces eye muscle strain by projecting the virtual screen at a distance of 20 meters, mimicking real-world theatre displays.

Goovis-Cinego-SearchingC-3D Compat


Cinego 支持 3D 格式,可以感受 3D 畫面的大景深與豐富層次感,享受裝在口袋裡 iMax 3D 影院帶來的沉浸感。

3D Compatible

There’s no compromise on your viewing experience with Cinego’s built-in 3D functionality. From 3D video games to movies, you can enjoy it all.

Goovis Cinego簡單安裝及配置指南

See Cinego in action



What’s inside


Display Info (顯示器配置)

  • Display: 2 x 0.71” AMOLED micro-display
  • Resolution: 1920×1080 x2
  • PPI: 3147


Optical Info (視覺及光學配置)

  • Optical Modules: 12 optical lenses
  • Virtual Screen Size: Equivalent to a giant 800” widescreen viewed from 20m
  • Diopter Adjustment: Ranging from +3D hyperopia to -8D myopia with an accuracy of +/-0.33D; Left/Right eye can be adjusted independently
  • IPD: 56mm – 72mm
  • FOV: 53°
  • Distortion: < 1.5%

Technical Info (標準配置)

  • Internal Storage: 32GB
  • Supporting Storage: Up to 256GB Micro SD card and USB mobile storage disk
  • CPU: 8 Core Cortex A7 (2 GHz)
  • GPU: 700 MHZ
  • Plug in Capability: HDMI, USB, Micro-USB, Micro SD slot.
  • Bluetooth: 4.0
  • Wi-Fi: 2.4G/5G dual-mode
  • Battery: 5900 mAh Polymer Lithium battery
  • Battery Life: Around 4.5 hours
  • 6-axis Motion-Tracking device that combines a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer
  • Headset main body dimensions: 7.3in x 4.3in x 2.2in (185mm x 109mm x 56mm)
  • Headset main body weight: 7.05 oz (200g)


What differs GOOVIS CINEGO




Meet the visionary founders



Searching C - Goovis Cinego - As seen in



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